Customized Management Consultancy
We provide management assistance, strategy development or operational improvement services. We also provide market intelligence reports and industry updates for livestock and poultry industry.
Event Organizers
DeltaMan is committed to bring the difference in providing quality trade shows and exhibitions.
2011 Philippine Poultry Show (
2nd Philippine Poultry Show
Inahgen 2012 (
Bakbakan 2010
Inahgen 2010
Inahgen 2008
Inahgen 2006
1st World Egg Day in Batangas (October 2009)
1st Egg Farmers Assembly (May 2009)
1st National Eggminton Tournament (September 2009)
Project Study Preparation
Please contact our office for more information
Secretariat and Managerial Functions
ASPA (Alliance Swine Producers Association)
PCPP (Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners)
PVDA (Phil. Veterinary Drug association)
UBRA (United Broiler Raisers Association)
NFEPP (National Federation of Egg Producers of the Phils.)
PEPCO (Phil. EggBoard Producers Coop.)
Our Track Record
Event Management
We organized quality trade shows involving participants/exhibitors locally and from around the world whether small or large projects with a goal for growth to help our clients meet their expectations. We aspire to bring the latest innovations in the world of expositions.
Secretariat Functions
Manage day to day activities of the association, Convening of the meetings, serve as central office of communication, circulating papers and dissemination of information, coordinate various activities, implementation of the decisions of the board, custodian of important papers.